Cyber Security Professional: Position Titles vs Job Functions
When someone first started his career, he may tend to doubt or confuse on what to expect in later part of his career.
Apart from one-man or few-man companies where everyone has a choice to do what he wants to do, typical organizations are more or less driven by a hierarchical structure. In some organizations, the titles of cybersecurity professionals can be deceiving such as managers, directors in which their day-to-day job functions can be purely technical. This could further confuse people (new in the industry) that directors/managers/vice presidents could be doing purely technical stuff. In fact, many organizations differ in their expectation on what job functions each role should perform regardless of titles.
To avoid such doubt, I created a fishbone diagram that clearly describes expected skills and potentially associated job functions from interns to director level. In that diagram, the manager or above means the management track where the majority of the time spent is on management and leadership.